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Like Magick Hypnotherapy has been in the makings ever since I was a small child. I didn’t know all of the intricate details back then but nonetheless I was on a mission to manifesting greatness!

I recall being in kindergarten, telling my teacher that I was going to be a Pediatrician when I grew up. Looking back on that memory always makes me laugh, because I definitely knew without a doubt at the very fresh age of five that I wanted to help heal people; however, the only titles for a healer that I knew of then, were God and Pediatrician. So, I chose to go with the most logical profession of the two LOL!

From that moment forward I spent my life heavily engrossed in all things science, from the natural to the supernatural. I was the child asking for telescopes and chemistry lab sets for holidays and birthdays, I was probably the only girl in A&P Bio that got excited every time we got to dissect a specimen, and my class schedules were always overflowing with biology, chemistry, genetics, and psychology courses, just to name a few.

For quite some time I was building my career path towards becoming a Psychiatrist. 

It was not until the age of 30 when I experienced what it was like to be the patient of a psychiatrist, that I determined that was not quite the exact healing route I was looking for. Although I truly adored my therapist I did not care for the continual pushing of pills. I felt like we discussed pills and dosages more than solutions and healing. I also saw a traditional therapist, who again was an amazing person and it was great having someone to talk to biweekly; however, it wasn’t truly getting me out of the mentally debilitating rut that I found myself in. It wasn’t getting me back to normal living and enjoying life with my then seven year old daughter.

Finally one day after being in bed for a week straight, I slapped myself around and told myself to call upon ALL of the science and spiritual teachings that I had learned over the years, and to use this to heal myself, and that’s exactly what I did! From all of my years of studying I knew that I was fully equipped to heal myself naturally. I just had to set my mind to it and remain focused on the goal ahead. This consisted of a DAILY routine filled with meditating, positive affirmations, exercise, visualization practices, and much more.

Along my self healing journey I was introduced to Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) Hypnotherapy. 

Once I fully understood the process of RTT I realized that it was essentially my daily routine on steroids! It's instant, natural, noninvasive, and teachable.

All of these things made the practice of Hypnotherapy a WIN WIN WIN for me, and I am BEYOND elated to be able to share this all natural powerful life changing technique with the world!

Throughout my entire life, my passion, my love, my interest in the world of science and healing people has continued to grow, flourish, and has now blossomed into my very own Hypnotherapy Practice!